



Encounters 2.0 was selected for SIGGRAPH 2020 Immersive Pavilion !

  SIGGRAPH 2020の Immersive Pavilion枠に《Encounters 2.0》が選出されました。 CODID-19に対するワシン


映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2020において、以下の2件を投稿しました。 Rotoscope 360 ver.2 , 富

Present at ADADA2019

We will present SVR-1(Beta Version), an educational VR experience for earthquake disaster mitigation in Bhutan at the Internat

Presented at Entertainment Computing 2019

  We presented the following demo presentation at Entertainment Computing 2019 (EC2019). Rebuilding Shibuya-Kei of 1990

Selected as the finalist for VR Creative Award 2019

“Encounters” was selected as the finalist of VR Creative Award 2019. VRクリエイティブアワードとは VRクリエ

Presented at NICOGRAPH 2018

We presented the following two poster presentations at NICOGRAPH 2018. ・Multimodal ConnectoR: A Multiplayer Audiovisual Syst

Presented at ACM SUI 2018

We made the following poster presentation at ACM Symposium Spatial User Interaction (SUI) 2018. ・Air Maestros: A Multi-User

Present at NIME 2017

We will present AEVE, a brain-computer interface (BCI) controlled audiovisual experience that is presented through the VR head