Art Experience in Social VR (ASVR) project: Development of new art forms with Social VR or metaverse
Drawing Sound in MR Space (DSMR) project: Development of sound drawing methods using mixed reality
VR experience using a Simple EEG
VR360 Project: VR experience using 360-degree video
XR virtual museum
SATREPS VR (SVR) Project: Development of Educational VR for Disaster Mitigation in Bhutan
【Collaborative project with external institution】
- 幾何学的関係に基づく音律統合理論の構築による空間的サウンドインスタレーション制作, PI: Hidefumi Ohmura (Tokyo University of Science)
(completion project)
- Development of EEG electrodes, headset, and analytical methods for artistic expressions, PI: Hiroko Terasawa (University of Tsukuba)
- In the resonance-loop: Musical field and its formation, PI: Kiyoshi Furukawa (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music)
- Creating a Shared Space Using a Music Creation Software for Tablet Devices(Inamori Foundation)