Art and Media Experience Lab
古川雅也,山中文乃,山本舞華,中川隆 / FURUKAWA Masaya, YAMANAKA Ayano, YAMAMOTO Maika, NAKAGAWA Ryu
Misaki Oka, Masaya Furukawa, Ayano Yamanaka, Ryu Nakagawa This work is a remote, multi-user simultaneous experience piece by t
Ken Sonobe, Ryu Nakagawa “Meta Flowers” is a multiparticipant installation artwork with Cross Reality
SIGGRAPH 2020の Immersive Pavilion枠に《Encounters 2.0》が選出されました。 CODID-19に対するワシン
“Encounters” was selected to the SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 XR Presentations Program. SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 will be held from
Ken Sonobe, Ryu Nakagawa Encounters provides a multiparticipant audiovisual art experience with a cross reality (XR) sy
“Drawing Sound in MR Space” was selected to the SIGGRAPH 2019 Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Program as a pa
Ryo Komatsubara, Taku Ohta, Sayuri Ohashi, Ken Sonobe, Ryu Nakagawa Multimodal connectoRは、複数人で体験する