



バーチャル空間デザインアワード「VRAA02(Virtual Reality Architecture Award 02)」において佳作に選出されました

    ASVRプロジェクトによるVRChatワールド作品《Around the Mysterious Structure》が、バーチャ

Around the Mysterious Structure

      岸江 浩太郎, 大城 佑樹, 小關 琴未, 中原 遥, 垣内 海渡, 望月 聡司, 中川 隆 (202

Art Experience with Social VR (ASVR) project

ソーシャルVRによるアート体験に関する研究・制作 / Art Experience with Social VR(ASVR) ソーシャルVR

NakagawaLab Open Lab 2019 “7 Realities”

As shown below, we will held this year’s Open Lab, “7 Realities.” ・Date: December 14, 2019 ・Hours: 10:00

Present at ADADA2019

We will present SVR-1(Beta Version), an educational VR experience for earthquake disaster mitigation in Bhutan at the Internat

SVR-1 (Beta Version): An Educational VR Experience for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Bhutan

Sayuri Ohashi, Akari Kamiya, Soji Mochizuki, Ken Sonobe, Kaito Kakiuchi, Ryu Nakagawa and Takayoshi Aoki SVR-1 is an educatio

Presented at Entertainment Computing 2019

  We presented the following demo presentation at Entertainment Computing 2019 (EC2019). Rebuilding Shibuya-Kei of 1990

Rebuilding Shibuya-Kei of 1990’s for VR

SOJI MOCHIZUKI, RYU NAKAGAWA Shibuya-Kei music, which became popular in the 1990s, had a great influence not only on the music

Art and Media Experience Lab OpenLab 2018

Art and Media Experience Lab OpenLab 2018 “9 demonstrations” OTA Taku, KOMATSUBARA Ryo, OHASHI Sayuri, MOCHIZUKI Soji, KAM