Selected for SIGGRAPH 2019 virtual, augmented and mixed reality programs

“Drawing Sound in MR Space” was selected to the SIGGRAPH 2019 Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Program as a pa

Multimodal connectoR (PM)

  Ryo Komatsubara, Taku Ohta, Sayuri Ohashi, Ken Sonobe, Ryu Nakagawa Multimodal connectoRは、複数人で体験する

Art and Media Experience Lab OpenLab 2018

Art and Media Experience Lab OpenLab 2018 “9 demonstrations” OTA Taku, KOMATSUBARA Ryo, OHASHI Sayuri, MOCHIZUKI Soji, KAM

Presented at NICOGRAPH 2018

We presented the following two poster presentations at NICOGRAPH 2018. ・Multimodal ConnectoR: A Multiplayer Audiovisual Syst

Presented at ACM SUI 2018

We made the following poster presentation at ACM Symposium Spatial User Interaction (SUI) 2018. ・Air Maestros: A Multi-User

Air Maestros: A Multi-User Audiovisual Experience Using MR

Ryu Nakagawa, Ryo Komatsubara, Taku Ota, Hidefumi Ohmura This demonstration is one of our “Drawing Sound Project”

Drawing Sound in MR Space: A Multi-User Audiovisual Experience in MR Space

Ryu Nakagawa, Ryo Komatsubara, Taku Ota and Takahisa Mitsumori We propose a multi-user interactive audiovisual art system usin

Wander and Wonder:A pop-up book using mixed reality and the possibilities of communication using it

Ryo KOMATSUBARA,  Yuri KOGISO,  Ryu NAKAGAWA We propose a pop-up book using mixed reality (MR) and the possibilities of comm

Accepted as WEEKEND PROJECT at LV ReVolution 2018

One of our laboratory MR projects was accepted as [WEEKEND PROJECT] at Laval Virtual ReVolution 2018 held annually in Laval, F

Draw sound in MR space ~ MR空間に音を描く ~

東京藝術大学大学美術館 陳列館で開催される企画展「N/O/W/H/E/R/E – ニューメディアの場所(

A Study of Mindfulness Practice System Using VR and Neuro-feedback

AGEHA HASEGAWA, RYO KOMATSUBARA, RYU NAKAGAWA Mindfulness practice attracts people’s attention recently. It is said that

複合現実によるマルチプレイ・オーディオビジュアル表現システム “MusicaR”

《複合現実によるマルチプレイ・オーディオビジュアル表現システム “MusicaR”》小松原崚 小